Medicare Supplement At Hinton Insurance
Being independent of any major company allows us to contract with many companies to be able to offer their products. This makes it possible for us to customize each insurance plan to the meet the individual’s health and financial needs. We are contracted with many recognizable names such as United Healthcare(AARP), Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, Mutual of Omaha and many more.
Within the rapidly changing field of Medicare Supplement Insurance to Medicare parts A and B policies, periodic reevaluations benefit a policy holder. Each year the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) revises deductibles and copays for medical services usually resulting in higher amounts to be paid by the patient and/or the Supplement. If an individual has not had an evaluation for a couple of years it would benefit the individual to do so. It’s Easy! Just call us and we will lead you through the process and explain your options. Then you chose an option or keep your present Supplemental Plan.